
Laptop Keyboard Repair in Bangalore

The two main components of a laptop are the screen of the laptop and the keyboard. These are also the components that make up the two separating structures in most laptops. These keyboards are embedded into the device to facilitate activities like typing, efficient usage of the computer through keyboard shortcuts and playing games. However, because these keys are exposed to the elements of nature and do not have much protection to save them from liquids, dust or grime, they might get faulty over time. While some keyboards might get completely broken beyond usage, there are lots of other issues that might come up in different circumstances. These issues have been listed below.

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Issues faced with Laptop keyboards

  1. Keys get repeated while typing – Key repetition is a symptom of something getting stuck under your keys. If you notice that the same key gets repeated often, it might be a problem with the butterfly mechanism of that particular key. However, it is very difficult to diagnose the problem with the keyboard unless the computer is carefully examined by our specialists.
  2. Keys are stuck – If some or all of your keys are stuck and won’t press while you are typing, there might be a manufacturing defect with your computer. However, getting a replacement with first-party software is worth only when you can get it under a warranty. If you don’t, we suggest you contact our specialists for an in-depth consultation and an estimated price.
  3. Unresponsive keys or keyboard – If your entire keyboard or particular keys have become unresponsive or only work after being pressed really hard, there might be some grounds for a keyboard replacement. However, the issue might also get resolved with a deep clean of the computer that removes anything and everything that might be stuck under your keys.

Process of Laptop Keyboard replacement

At our Laptop Keyboard Repair Near Me service, we never make decisions in a hurry. We make sure that our experts take their time to figure out exactly what the problem with your device is and what the most economical way to move forward is. For us, the customer always comes first. Hence, we are always trying to figure out the least expensive method to fix your computer. In the case of a keyboard problem in your Laptop, we first take time to open up your keyboard and look for the possible problems. After everything is examined, we suggest our customers to either go for a repair, cleaning or a replacement, depending on the damage or the issue. However, during the consultation process, no replacements or repairs are done without your consent. We also have a free pickup and delivery service for your device so you don’t have to take time out of your schedule to visit us!

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Doorstep Laptop Keyboard Repair in Bangalore

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Read our FAQs

If you accidentally spilled a liquid on your keyboard, the keyboard suffered an impact or there is a great accumulation of dust inside the device, there might be some problems with the keyboard. However, we can only determine the further course of action (repair, replacement or cleaning) after we have a look at the device. What are you waiting for? Visit our website or call us to book a delivery service and appointment now!

For more information on our repair services, please visit our Laptop repair services page.

If you have recently spilled something over that particular key in the past, that might be the cause of something like this. However, if you haven’t and your laptop is relatively new (less than 6 months old), there might also be a manufacturing defect. For a complete diagnosis into the problem, visit our website and book your free pickup and drop service now!

Yes! We have an absolutely free pickup and delivery service that will pickup your laptop from your doorstep and return the device to your house once it is done. To book your appointment, visit our website or contact us at +91 88844-45432 now!

For more information on similar issues, please visit our other common Laptop Charging Issue Repair

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