Why Are iPhone’s Features Late, Compared To Android?

Why Are iPhone’s Features Late, Compared To Android?


Recently, Apple completed their World Wide Developer Conference (WWDC 2021) which is their most famous software launch event. They went over most of their new innovations, which included iOS 15, iPadOS 15 and the launch of MacOS Monterey. However, for a lot of smartphone enthusiasts, the new features that iPhone got this year seemed vaguely familiar; stuff they’d seen before on Android. There is a trend that Apple’s features come later than Android phones and also, better. These include widgets, app trays and other system changes that were added to the iPhone only a few months earlier but were seen on Android for years. iOS 15 comes with cool features like Live Text which might be new for iPhone users but it is something that Google Lens users have been using for years already. If you are facing any software related issue in both apple iOS and Andriod, you can reach to Soldrit, the best Software Upgrade Services in Bangalore.


This is typical. However, if used extensively, it is observed that Apple’s Live Text feature is arguably better than Google Lens. It is smoother, less snappy and identifies more cues and stimuli than Google does. Live Text on iPhones also works on pictures that you have clicked previously and this integration with the iPhone Photos app is much better than the slow and snappy copy-paste functionality on Android phones.


However, the same trends are seen in other features also. Features that are added to iPhones have almost always been part of some version of Android somewhere in the huge Google ecosystem. While this is a little frustrating for Apple users sometimes, there is a strong reason behind why the company seemingly takes its own sweet time to roll out cutting-edge features. That’s the Apple ecosystem.


Integration with Apple’s flawless ecosystem

Apple is known across the world for seamless integration of different tech devices like iPads, Watches, phones and computers to one invisible ecosystem that lets users transfer files, share information or even connect to the cloud seamlessly. This is something that Apple has projected to be their USP for decades. We from Soldrit do, Apple iPhone repair, Apple MacBook repair, Apple iPad repair, Apple iMac repair, Apple iWatch repair and All Android Mobile repair and Laptop repair service in Bangalore.


The reason why basic Android features are late to iOS or iPadOS is because Apple has the onus to protect and propagate the idea of the Apple ecosystem. Hence, if a feature is to be released on the iPhone, not only does it have to be integrated and designed in a way that lets it become super smooth, but it also has to have compatibility with other Apple devices like the Watch or the Mac.


For example, Apple has made upgrades to the Maps app on their iPhone. In order to incorporate 3D buildings and virtual directions features on Maps, they have to make sure that the features have some connectivity and support on the Watch (for notifications and alerts) and the iPad (which is a bigger screen).

There is one more reason why Apple’s features are late. And that’s quality assurance. Apple is revered for its strict adherence to quality, feel and integration. Apple’s features are seldom snappy or laggy, and always project a sense of refinement and minimalism, something that makes it attractive to a select group of users. The reason why Apple sells is because it has been able to hold onto that “refined” and “sophisticated” reputation for years, with every single product it has launched. Hence, for the customer base that Apple has created, having the latest features on time matters less than having those features optimized for excellent performance and use.



Apple has succeeded in creating a reputation for itself in the tech market. It has become one of the only companies that has accomplished a certain degree of refinement and sophistication in all products while integrating them all with one another. Because this is their biggest selling point, they put having well-performing features above having the latest features on time. Reach Soldrit, for any Laptop repair services in Bangalore or Mobile repair services in Bangalore.


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